SearchGPT vs Perplexity: Key differences and similarities

Perplexity vs SeachGPT

The announcement of SearchGPT by OpenAI has caught many webmasters, internet users and AI lovers attentions and got them asking "what are the differences between this so called "OpenAI's SearchGPT" and Perplexity?" Well, in this article, we're going to provide detailed similarities and differences according to the potentials of SearchGPT described on OpenAI website.

However, do note that SearchGPT is not only rivalling with Perplexity, it's also a "direct competitor to major search engines, including Google and Bing, which is a product of OpenAI’s largest investor, Microsoft." We're also going to explore the similarities and differences between the AI-powered search engine and Google AI search engine.

SearchGPT vs Perplexity

Both Perplexity and the newly announced SearchGPT from OpenAI serve as advanced AI-driven search tools, but they cater to different user needs and functionalities.


Perplexity is designed as an AI "answer" engine that excels in providing real-time information from the web. It allows users to ask questions and receive not only direct answers but also links to sources, making it a valuable tool for research and information retrieval.

The Perplexity AI's interface is user-friendly and organized, which enhances the search experience. It also offers access to various models, including Claude-2, and has a higher usage limit compared to some other platforms, making it suitable for intensive research tasks.


OpenAI's SearchGPT is a prototype that aims to integrate AI search capabilities directly into ChatGPT. Just like Google AI search engine, it is designed to provide real-time access to online information, categorizing and clarifying search results rather than simply listing links.

This tool will allow users to ask questions and receive detailed answers along with relevant links, similar to how Perplexity operates. However, as of now, SearchGPT is still in a limited testing phase, with plans for broader integration into ChatGPT in the future.

Comparison: Perplexity vs SearchGPT

SearchGPT and Perplexity AI share several key features. Both tools deliver timely and relevant answers by integrating real-time web data, ensuring users receive up-to-date information. They include clear source citations with each response, allowing users to verify the information and explore further.

Additionally, both offer a conversational interaction experience, enabling users to ask follow-up questions in a natural manner. They also support visual and rich content, such as images and videos, to enhance understanding and provide more comprehensive answers.

Both AI-powered products are also providing links back to original sources, thereby addressing concerns about misinformation and content attribution.

Despite these similarities, there are notable differences between the two. Perplexity AI provides more detailed answers, offering specific information such as locations and species, and includes related questions to continue the conversation.

SearchGPT, on the other hand, focuses on providing quick and accurate responses but may not be as detailed. Although, the product is still in testing mode, but according to OpenAI, "SearchGPT is a prototype of new search features, using the strength of ChatGPT AI models to provide fast answers with clear and relevant sources."

In terms of source presentation, SearchGPT prominently features primary sources at the top with a sidebar for the full list, while Perplexity AI integrates sources differently. Perplexity AI also offers a list of five suggested follow-up questions related to the initial query, a feature not mentioned for SearchGPT.

Furthermore, SearchGPT includes interactive charts, whereas Perplexity AI provides visual content without interactive elements. Lastly, Perplexity AI allows users to select different AI models and focus searches on specific areas, such as academic or writing, including the ability to search with attachments, features not mentioned for SearchGPT yet.

In conclusion

In a nutshell, the main difference between Perplexity and SearchGPT is that Perplexity is an AI Answer Engine and SearchGPT is being trained to be an AI-powered Search Engine. However, the choice between Perplexity and SearchGPT will largely depend on user needs and features the OpenAI's SearchGPT will possess when it's finally launched—whether users will prioritize a dedicated search tool or the integration of search capabilities within a broader AI chat interface.